However, there are some storage tips that can help any medical facility, because there are some things that almost every medical facility needs to store.
Medical practices have an absurd amount of items to organize and keep track of. For starters, some regulations require that medical records be stored physically, in addition, to digitally, so there are all sorts of files to contend with. Then there’s also samples, supplies, and pharmaceuticals, to name just a few of the items that need to be stored. On top of that, each type of practice has different needs: a doctor’s office has different needs than a dental office has different needs than an urgent care. However, some storage tips can help any medical facility, because there are some things that almost every medical facility needs to store.
Sterile Equipment
No matter the type of practice you are running, there’s going to be a need to store sterile medical supplies. These supplies require germ-free storage and have to be kept safe from prying hands or other sources of contamination. You need a storage solution that is easy to use, so people don’t have to touch these items unnecessarily while looking for other stuff. NSF-approved medical shelving, metal shelving, or plastic shelving is a good option here.
If you’re required to keep hard copies of patient records, you’re going to need a good storage solution. Over time, these files can pile up. One solution is a high-density storage type called mobile aisle shelving that allows you to make the most of your space. Whatever storage solution you go with, make sure you have a solid filing system so that nothing gets lost.
Office Supplies
No matter the type of medical facility, someone is going to be handling the mundane office duties, and their supplies also need to be organized. From printer paper to fresh ink to pens and pencils, you will need a way to store and organize those non-medical, everyday items. Wall shelving can be one way to keep it all organized, especially if you don’t have any extra storage space. You should also invest in desk organizers and clips to keep charging cables handy.
Controlled Substances
There’s a chance that some of your pharmaceuticals and supplies need to be under lock and key to keep them from being abused or even stolen and sold on the black market. Storage lockers or security shelving may be a good bet for a small storeroom, but if you have a large area, consider partitioning off part of it as a secure storage room.
Make Space Work for You with Metro Shelving!
If you’re a homeowner or run a business, you can depend on Metro Shelving. If you need to outfit a warehouse, give us a call at (800) 400-7500. Call us even if you aren’t looking to outfit a warehouse because if your garage, laundry room, or kitchen pantry are in need of help, we can help you too. Are you on social media? Follow us on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.