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Storage & Distribution Systems

Metro Label Holders

Showing all 21 results

Product Number Dimensions (D x W x H) Weight (lbs) Finish Shelves Price Quantity
9990CL 3x1.25 0.3 Clear 6.41
9990CL1 13x1.25 0.5 Clear 8.95
9990CL2 19x1.25 0.4 Clear 12.8
9990CL30 25x1.25 0.5 Clear 14.49
9990CL3 31x1.25 0.5 Clear 16.1
9990CL4 43x1.25 0.5 Clear 20.12
9990CL5 55x1.25 0.8 Clear 27.26
9990P 3x1.25 0.1 Gray 6.41
9990P1 13x1.25 0.3 Gray 8.95
9990P2 19x1.25 0.4 Gray 12.8
9990P30 25x1.25 0.5 Gray 14.49
9990P3 31x1.25 0.5 Gray 16.1
9990P4 43x1.25 0.6 Gray 20.12
9990P5 55x1.25 0.8 Gray 27.58
9990SL 3x1.25 0.3 Slanted 6.41
9990SL1 13x1.25 0.4 Slanted 8.95
9990SL2 19x1.25 0.5 Slanted 12.8
9990SL30 25x1.25 0.6 Slanted 14.49
9990SL3 31x1.25 0.7 Slanted 16.1
9990SL4 43x1.25 0.8 Slanted 20.12
9990SL5 55x1.25 0.8 Slanted 27.58

Label holders for wire shelving by Metro make it easy to organize and identify each shelf. As a result, you can make items stored on shelving easier to find. They are available in a variety of sizes, and you can choose from clear, opaque gray, or slanted opaque gray (for easier viewing).

Because the labeling of wire shelves is not always easy, these flexible, UV-treated plastic label holders snap to and unsnap from shelving fronts to make organizing and reorganizing contents a breeze. 1¼”-high labels load from the top (or bottom) of the holder, and bar code-compatible clear covers protect the labels. Therefore, you can easily retrofit your shelving with standard 1¼” and 1½” labels.

We have the solution for most any label holder need. Add these to your inventory management toolbox to prevent problems before they arise. Whatever the initial investment, you will receive quick payback in materials, labor, and overall efficiency.

  • Ease of organization and reorganization of shelf content identification
  • 50% cost savings in materials required to replace expensive, hard-to-remove self-adhesive labels
  • 65% cost savings in labor to apply and remove self-adhesive labels, and no more shelf clean-up time
  • Prevention of costly mis-picks that can add up over the course of a year

For help with requirements, call us at 800-400-7500, or email us by clicking on the “Contact Us Now” button below.


Metro Label Holders

Label holders for wire shelving by Metro make it easy to organize and identify each shelf. As a result, you can make items stored on shelving easier to find. They are available in a variety of sizes, and you can choose from clear, opaque gray, or slanted opaque gray (for easier viewing).

Because the labeling of wire shelves is not always easy, these flexible, UV-treated plastic label holders snap to and unsnap from shelving fronts to make organizing and reorganizing contents a breeze. 1¼"-high labels load from the top (or bottom) of the holder, and bar code-compatible clear covers protect the labels. Therefore, you can easily retrofit your shelving with standard 1¼" and 1½" labels.

We have the solution for most any label holder need. Add these to your inventory management toolbox to prevent problems before they arise. Whatever the initial investment, you will receive quick payback in materials, labor, and overall efficiency.

  • Ease of organization and reorganization of shelf content identification
  • 50% cost savings in materials required to replace expensive, hard-to-remove self-adhesive labels
  • 65% cost savings in labor to apply and remove self-adhesive labels, and no more shelf clean-up time
  • Prevention of costly mis-picks that can add up over the course of a year

For help with requirements, call us at 800-400-7500, or email us by clicking on the “Contact Us Now” button below.