Sometimes it can feel hard to justify a purchase in new shelving, especially if you’re not hurting for storage space.
Sometimes it can feel hard to justify a purchase in new shelving, especially if you’re not hurting for storage space. Perhaps it feels like you already have a lot of shelving and new shelving won’t make any new money. Unlike most expenses for your business, security shelving is an investment in saving money. You won’t be directly making money from the expenditure, but if it reduces your costs or shrinkage or if it protects your asset, that’s just as good as making money. There are three significant ways that security shelving and structures can help your business.
Protecting Your Equipment
Besides inventory (which is obvious), your equipment is your biggest asset, so you should do what you can to protect it. If you set up security panels around your specialty or sensitive equipment, you could protect it from serious damage, unintentional or purposeful. First, the security structure can be used to limit access to the equipment. This way people who should not use it, don’t know how to use it or want to misuse it can’t reach the equipment at all. It can also save most of the equipment from incidental damage caused by a runaway vehicle. If you don’t have to shell out for new equipment, you’re ahead of the game.
Protect Your Employees
Another important asset is your people asset or your employees, and another unplanned cost that could break your budget is workplace injury. Security shelving can help you decrease injuries and incidents in your business. Security petitions can be used to help house and corral forklifts, helping to limit injury. Since most security shelving and structures are wire mesh, they also help with visibility in the workplace since they don’t block line of sight. This can lead to a notable decrease in accidents as well.
Reduce Shrink
Finally, your biggest asset, at least budget-wise, is your stock or on-hand inventory. Likewise, probably the biggest cost-saving benefit of security shelving is a reduction of shrink or product theft. Security shelving helps you control and limit access to tour goods and supplies, reducing the chance for someone to steal them. You can use wire mesh partitions to create a secure area to house your most valuable product separately from the rest of your inventory, or you can use secure shelving for all of it.
Make Space Work for You with Metro Shelving!
If you’re a homeowner or run a business, you can depend on Metro Shelving. If you need to outfit a warehouse, give us a call at (800) 400-7500. Call us even if you aren’t looking to outfit a warehouse because if your garage, laundry room, or kitchen pantry are in need of help, we can help you too. Are you on social media? Follow us on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.